“Shadow Work” is a powerful method of working with the Inner, Subconscious and Suppressed aspects of oneself… Parts of the mind that are “unaccepted” or deemed unacceptable… things one may be ashamed of, desires, fears, past mistakes… things that the mind has determined are “bad things”… undesired… things that society would consider “wrong” …
If one’s persona is the outward projection of personality… then the “shadow” is the “inner persona” … the inner personality that remains “unprotected”… yet, just like all other aspects of the subconscious, has an effect on us mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Most mortals keep their “shadow” suppressed all of their life. They do not even know what these parts of their inner self consist of. It is very beneficial to explore and gain understanding of these inner aspects of self, but can be difficult.
This talisman has been enchanted with over 600 spells, to open up the inner parts of the “Shadow Subconscious” , to explore and understand such… Near this talisman, in a quiet, dimly lit or dark room, relax. Sit or lay comfortably. Have a notebook and pen nearby to write down things that come unto thee. Do not “examine” the thoughts, simply explore them… Observe without evaluation…
This is a time to learn about yourself and aspects that affect your daily choices, decisions, ideas and intentions…
I have also found it can be helpful to have a glass of water, tea or coffee near to sip.
Through exploring, observation and identifying aspects of thy “Shadow” , you will be able to better understand and expand or “grow beyond” such.
I have worked with this talisman many times over the past two years… and now feel it’s time to allow another to attain the anointing and benefits of such.
If you desire to begin or delve deeper into “Shadow Work” , this talisman will be a great asset upon the journey of thy path.
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Legal: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this item. I am not liable for misuse of this item, nor any activity or occurrence that may or may not occur in connection with this item. All sales are final