This is a wonderful way to keep a spirit close to thee, without having to bring his or her tabernacle with you wherever you go...
Highly effective with all types of entities, such as Angels, Djinns, Fairies, Khodams, etc. (I do not suggest using this with oracle spirits, as they are keepers of a portal or gateway already)
Keep one of these amulets near a spirits tabernacle. This will serve as a portal, so that the spirit can watch over thee, protect thee, bless thee, offer insight, inspire ideas, guidance... Even when you're away from home and the spirits tabernacle is at your house or apartment.
To "activate" the portal, first keep this near the head of your bed for at least 3 nights. Then, keep the amulet near the spirits tabernacle. The "link" portal will allow the spirit to be connected with your presence regardless of where you are, or how far away you are.
I have several of these that I keep near Angels, for protection, to guide, bless and to watch over, as well as near Djinns that I am actively working with. I have also used these with Fairies, and several Ilmu Khodams.
If you are a keeper of spiritual entities, this will surely be a great asset unto thee.
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